Projects and Events
The FPN team provides training and technical assistance to FPCs to build their capacity to collaborate and advocate on local, state, regional, tribal, and federal food policy. Below is a sampling of current and past project that we have facilitated. Please contact for more information.
Below is the list of current projects:
- Racial Equity and Economic Justice Community of Learning and Practice
- Regional Community of Practice
In November 2022, CLF joined Ohio State University's John Glenn School of Public Affairs and Colorado State University to support a community of practice focused on regional governance. Of the approximately 300 FPCs around the country, about 40 of them organize at the regional scale; typically, they represent multiple counties and sometimes work across state lines. Funded by the USDA, the community of practice project team works with 11 FPCs to understand how councils organize to address issues across political boundaries and what challenges they face working across a region. The research team will be publishing findings related to the challenges, composition, and hopes of regional FPCs. Learn more. - New York State Health Foundation Healthy Food, Healthy Lives grantees
With funding from the New York State Health Foundation, New Mexico Farm to Table supports CLF's Food Policy Networks project to provide technical assistance to New York State Health Foundation Healthy Food, Healthy Lives grantees. Most of these grantees work on local food policy issues, typically through an FPC model. Together, CLF and New Mexico Farm to Table are leveraging their experience supporting FPCs and building state networks to offer one-on-one technical assistance, cohort learning opportunities, and peer-mentorship on getting started, communication strategies, governance, community engagement, and advocacy and policy. - FPCs and Covid 19
The FPN project is supporting food policy councils in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic by hosting roundtable discussions and webinars that feature food policy councils talking about the strategies that they are trying and the policies that they are recommending to address COVID-19. Learn more about the webinars here. - Power of Food Forum
The Power of Food Forum is the first-ever national forum dedicated to supporting food policy councils (FPCs) and similar groups advocating to advance policies that create a more equitable and sustainable food system at the local, regional, state and national levels. It will use a mix of innovative convening formats to create an interactive, engaging, and welcoming space for attendees to: share experiences and ideas; explore how to shift power in the policy process; develop advanced organizing and advocacy skills; and examine the intersections of the food system with other emergent policy issues. The Forum aims to strengthen the effectiveness of FPCs as a collaborative, civic engagement model for equitable food systems policy change. Read about the Forum values, goals and outcome here.