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Food Policy Resources

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Showing 421 - 440 of 466 results

Food Matters Report

Knoxville-Knox County Food Policy Council
Publication Type

Public awareness piece created by the Knoxville-Knox County (Tennessee) Food Policy Council highlighting how the food system is critical to economic and social development of Knox County.

Taxing Sugar Drinks: A Tool for Obesity Prevention, Cost Savings, and Health Improvement

Public Health Law Center at Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Publication Type

Reviews the scientific evidence linking consumption of sugar drinks to obesity, evaluates the use of pricing policies, and summarizes some of the most recent national and state initiatives and considers future developments in the implementation of pricing policies.

Created by Mary Winston Marrow

Resetting the Table: A People's Food Policy for Canada

People's Food Policy Project, Food Secure Canada
Publication Type

The People's Food Policy is the first-ever national food policy to be developed by the food movement itself - a diverse and dynamic network of organizations and individuals working to build a healthy, ecological, and just food system for Canada. In order to develop the People's Food Policy, Canadians contributed their ideas via three hundred and fifty Kitchen Table Talks, hundreds of policy submissions, dozens of tele-conferences, ongoing online discussions, and three cross-Canada conferences. This document outlines some of the key recommendations discussed and considers what further steps are needed.

Healthy Food, Healthy Communities: Promising Strategies to Improve Access to Fresh, Healthy Food and Transform Communities

Publication Type

By opening grocery stores, improving the quality and selection of food sold at convenience stores, and linking farmers directly to consumers, these efforts are increasing access to healthy foods, contributing to reduced rates of obesity and diabetes, creating jobs, increasing profits, and revitalizing distressed neighborhoods. This report presents strategies and policy opportunities to help other underserved communities replicate these successes.

Created by Rebecca Flourney

City and County of San Francisco Executive Directive on Healthy and Sustainable Food 09-03: Summary Report

San Francisco Department of Public Health
Publication Type

On July 9, 2009, Mayor Gavin Newsom issued the Executive Directive on Healthy and Sustainable Food to all departments of the City and County of San Francisco (California). The Directive established the a food policy council as an advisory body to the Mayor. This report describes how the Directive was developed, a summary of the progress made as a result of the Directive, and future direction for food system policy and planning in San Francisco.

Created by Paula Jones

From Land to Plate: The Dilemmas and Victories of Alternative Food Distribution in Ontario

Ontario Culinary Tourism Alliance, Sustain Ontario
Publication Type

This report gives a broad overview of the local food distribution sector in Ontario, Canada and offers five case studies of initiatives bringing local food to local tables. It includes  recommended actions for policymakers and advocates to take to stimulate further uptake of enterprise models that bring such important benefits to community and land.

Created by Sally Miller

Laws to Require Purchase of Locally Grown Food and Constitutional Limits on State and Local Government: Suggestions for Policymakers and Advocates

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
Publication Type

Locally grown food laws that require, or provide incentives for, purchasing food grown within a defined geographic boundary are vulnerable to challenge under the U.S. Constitution's restrictions on local and state laws that discriminate against goods and commerce from other states, known as the dormant Commerce Clause doctrine (DCCD). Policymakers and advocates for local food should understand the impact of these restrictions and should take advantage of an important exception to these restrictions when drafting policies to encourage purchase of locally grown food.

Brannon P. Denning
Samantha Graff
Heather Wooten

Farm Worker Housing Policy Review

Community Social Planning Council
Publication Type

The purpose of this project is to engage agriculture stakeholders in British Columbia, Canada in discussions to develop recommendations for criteria for municipalities to use when considering applications for additional dwelling(s) for farm employees.

Created by Paula Hesje


Policy Drafting Checklists

Public Health Law Center at Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Publication Type

Useful tool to assist in the policy drafting and review process, includes steps in policy planning and drafting; elements that should be included in a policy; questions for review of the policy to ensure that it is effective and comprehensive.

The Good Food For All Agenda: Creating a New Regional Food System for Los Angeles

Los Angeles Food Policy Task Force
Publication Type

The Los Angeles Food Policy Task Force convened in November 2009 to identify a Good Food policy agenda and the steps to get there. The Task Force worked to develop a Good Food for All Agenda with specific action steps and recommendations for how to advance the Agenda. The Agenda seeks to increase access to Good Food for everyone, improve public health, create quality jobs and small food enterprise opportunities, increase equity in our communities, and improve environmental sustainability throughout the region. 

State of Washington Office of the Governor Executive Order 10-02: Strengthening Washington's Food Systems Through Policy and Collaboration

State of Washington Office of the Governor
Publication Type

Executive Order 10-02: Strengthening Washington's Food Systems Through Policy and Collaboration calls for Washington state agencies to produce a report to the Governor and Legislature which provides an assessment of existing data and identifies remaining gaps and opportunities in Washington State food policy to help address food security, nutrition, and health challenges faced by Washington citizens and to support realistic solutions to these issues.

Local Food Systems: Concepts, Impacts, and Issues

USDA Economic Research Service
Publication Type

This comprehensive overview of local food systems explores alternative definitions of local food, estimates market size and reach, describes the characteristics of local consumers and producers, and examines early indications of the economic and health impacts of local food Systems.

Created by Steve Martinez, Michael Hand, Michelle Da Pra, Susan Pollack, Katherine Ralston, Travis Smith, Stephen Vogel, Shellye Clark, Luanne Lohr, Sarah Low, and Constance Newman

From Factories to Fresh Food: Planning for Urban Agriculture in Somerville

Tufts Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning
Publication Type

This report suggests ways that the city of Somerville, Massachusetts and its non-profit allies can increase the amount of food grown in the city and methods for establishing a local distribution scheme to benefit both gardeners and Somerville residents. The primary recommendations are to increase the available public space for gardening, begin a city-wide yard waste and food scrap collection program for composting, establish a gardeners' network to support backyard and market gardeners, promote innovative growing techniques for small spaces, and establish a shared-use community kitchen.

Created by Carl Bickerdike, Christina DiLisio, Julia Haskin, Molly McCullagh, Mari Pierce-Quinonez

Regional Food Systems Infrastructure

National Association of Development Organizations
Publication Type

Many regional development organizations and councils of governments are exploring how they can support regional food systems infrastructure. This report describes the role of regional development organizations in supporting regional farmers, processors and distributors. By developing partnerships with area farmers and other stakeholders, regional development organizations can help to develop regional food systems infrastructure that will support economic development initiatives and other program goals.

Stepping Up to the Plate: Transforming School Food in New Orleans

New Orleans Food Policy Advisory Committee
Publication Type

This report offers policy recommendations and practical steps that the state of Louisiana, city of New Orleans, and school districts and  individual schools in New Orleans can take to increase food access, expand the reach of child nutrition programs, improve food quality and nutritional value, and build a strong culture and vision for school food. The recommendations and actions in this report are based on the work of New Orleans Food Policy Advisory Committee members who researched best practices and model school meal programs, and identified barriers to transforming school food programs.

Created by Alison Heston

The Grocery Gap: Who Has Access to Healthy Food and Why It Matters

PolicyLink, The Food Trust
Publication Type

Reports on a large and consistent body of evidence that supports what residents have long observed: many low-income communities, communities of color, and sparsely populated rural areas do not have sufficient opportunities to buy healthy, affordable food.

Created by Sarah Treuhaft, Allison Karpyn

Food Works: A Vision to Improve NYC's Food System

The New York City Council
Publication Type

Food Works: A Vision to Improve NYC's Food System explores some of the complexities and interconnections of the food system in and around New York City, and outlines a plan for how to build a better food system that provides healthy, affordable food for all New Yorkers, while supporting the local and regional economy and mitigating environmental impacts.

Created by Sarah Brannen.