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Food Policy Resources

Please contact Anne Palmer at or Karen Bassarab at if you are looking for specific materials.

Showing 461 - 466 of 466 results

Thought About Food: Food Security, Food Policy, and Public Participation

The Food Project
Publication Type

Following a brief description on food security and the roots of food policy - or the lack thereof - this paper examines the need for public participation in food policy and provides two illustrations from the Canadian experience. What emerges is the realization that the energy to engage citizens in discussions around the food system is not coming primarily from policy makers, but rather from citizens themselves who have organized and initiated processes to influence policy from the ground up.

Created by Kenton Lobe

Time for the Harvest: Renewing Native Food Systems

Native Agriculture & Food Systems Initiative
Publication Type

The first national Native Food Summit was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico on November 15-17, 2002. The Native Food Summit was attended by 113 participants representing tribes, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, foundations, and the federal government. The Native Food Summit helped participants increase their understanding of Native agriculture and food systems, build new partnerships, and strengthen networks. At the same time, the working groups provided an opportunity for participants to identify major policy issues related to Native agriculture and food systems. This report is a summary of the event sessions and policy recommendations from Summit working groups.

Created by Sarah Dewees

Community Food Security Assessment Toolkit

USDA Economic Research Service
Publication Type

This report provides a toolkit of standardized measurement tools for assessing various aspects of community food security. It includes a general guide to community assessment and focused materials for examining six basic assessment components related to community food security. These include guides for profiling general community characteristics and community food resources as well as materials for assessing household food security, food resource accessibility, food availability and affordability, and community food production resources.

Created by Barbara Cohen, Margaret Andrews, and Linda Scott Kantor

Urban Food Actions Platform

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
Publication Type

This Platform provides access to a comprehensive database of resources related to urban policies and programmes, to achieve sustainable urban food systems. It covers a wide range of aspects: Governance and planning, Sustainable diets and nutrition, Social and economic equity, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution, Food loss and waste. This collection of information and evidences from various types of organizations (FAO and non-FAO) and practitioners includes: Knowledge Documents (articles, reports, case studies, etc.) and Policy Documents (policy briefs, actions plan, guidelines, reports, etc.) in different formats.
A dedicated section lists global and regional Events. 

The Growing Food Connections Policy Database

Growing Food Connections
Publication Type

A searchable collection of local public policies that explicitly support community food systems. This database provides policymakers, government staff, and others interested in food policy with concrete examples of local public policies that have been adopted to address a range of food systems issues: rural and urban food production, farmland protection, transfer of development rights, food aggregation and distribution infrastructure, local food purchasing and procurement, healthy food access, food policy councils, food policy coordination, food system metrics, tax reductions and exemptions for food infrastructure, and much more.

Food Policy and Obesity Legislation Database

UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health
Publication Type

The legislation database tracks federal policies from 2010-2019 and all state policies related to obesity and diet-related diseases in issue areas including access to healthy food, breastfeeding, farms and gardens, school nutrition and physical activity, food assistance programs, marketing/advertising to children, menu and package labeling, and food and beverage taxes.