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Food Policy Resources

Please contact Anne Palmer at or Karen Bassarab at if you are looking for specific materials.

Showing 321 - 340 of 471 results

The Michigan Food Hub Network: A Case Study in Building Effective Networks for Food System Change

Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems
Publication Type

This publication seeks to provide an overview of the creation, implementation, short-term outcomes, and lessons learned in building the capacity of food hubs and their partners through the Michigan Food Hub Network. The audience for this publication includes food hub managers and the various public and private partners who provide financial, technical, and other services to food hubs. It also includes those who seek to use high-functioning networks to bring about food systems change.

Created by Rich Pirog, Abby Harper, Marty Gerencer, Mark Lelle, Chad Gerencer

Model Legislation Requiring Safety Warning for Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

ChangeLab Solutions
Publication Type

ChangeLab Solutions has developed this model legislation for states that want to implement a policy requiring a safety warning on SSB containers and packaging. This resource is intended for use by states seeking to increase consumer awareness. It also includes model findings, which are an accompanying set of evidence-backed facts that support the legislation.

Engaging Community Partners to Support Healthy Food Retail

Publication Type

Over the past several years, healthy food retail has become an effective strategy for improving the economic health and well-being of communities. Community leaders, businesses, nonprofits, and local government are recognizing the key to a successful operation often hinges on community involvement and participation. The integration of community in planning and development is essential to successfully increase access to healthy foods, create jobs, and provide communities with new or improved place-based spaces that encourage neighborhood revitalization.

This webinar discusses how healthy food retail developers are engaging community stakeholders to ensure local residents have a stake in, benefit from, and have greater access to healthy foods. Speakers in this webinar discuss how equitable development is a sustainable growth model and strategy to ensure residents benefit from having additional retail in their neighborhoods.

Presenters: Mary Lee, Donna Leuchten, Esther Park, Mariela Cedeño

Food Policy Council Movement

Food Day, Roots of Change, Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future
Publication Type

Organized for Food Day 2014, this webinar brought together food policy councils across the country for a conversation on their collective work. Six councils offered seven-minute presentations that revealed visions, lessons, and triumphs from around the nation: urban and rural, large and small, state and local.

Presenters: Mark Winne, Michael Dimock, Wendy Moschetti, Eileen Horn, Laureen Husband, Bonnie Buckingham, Liz Sheehan Castro

Healthy Food in Your Community: A Toolkit for Policy Change

Center for Science and Democracy at Union of Concerned Scientists
Publication Type

This toolkit is a great way to inform local citizens about how they can help advocate sensible food policies that prioritize public health. Communities must be a part of the decisions that shape access to healthy, affordable food. With this toolkit, you can join local efforts to make healthy, affordable food a regular part of your -- and potentially every -- community's landscape.

Created by Abbie Steiner, Danielle Fox, Deborah Bailin, and Pallavi Phartiyal

Communicating for Policy Change

Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future
Publication Type

A presentation of how internal and external communication efforts can support a food policy council's work.

Created by: Corinne Shefner-Rogers and Anne Palmer.

Planning for Santa Fe Food Future: Querencia - A story of food, farming and friends

Santa Fe Food Policy Council
Publication Type

The Santa Fe (New Mexico) Food Plan recommends a variety of actions designed to promote food security, improve access to retail food outlets that offer healthy and affordable food, encourage healthy eating by all residents to reduce obesity and diet-related diseases, educate consumers, support farmers and ranchers, enhance the food system infrastructure, and protect the natural resources necessary to produce food. This is not a static document, but a dynamic one that is meant to be discussed, acted on, monitored, evaluated, and modified periodically. 

Collective Insights on Collective Impact

Stanford Social Innovation Review
Publication Type

This special supplement of the Stanford Social Innovation Review features the most recent thinking and learning about how to use the collective impact approach to address large-scale social and environmental problems. Article topics include: Essential Mindset Shifts for Collective Impact, Defining Quality Collective Impact, The Role of Grantmakers in Collective Impact, Power Dynamics in Collective Impact, Roundtable on Community Engagement and Collective Impact, Aligning Collective Impact Initiatives, Learning in Action: Evaluating Collective Impact, Achieving Collective Impact for Opportunity Youth, Making Public Policy Collective Impact Friendly.

Evaluation for Transformation: A Cross-Sectoral Evaluation Framework for Farm to School

National Farm to School Network
Publication Type

This comprehensive resource defines the full spectrum of outcomes farm to school can achieve across multiple sectors and offers guidelines and common language to measure and document those outcomes. For each of the four sectors highlighted in the document (public health, community economic development, education and environmental quality), the framework provides: a compilation of existing peer-reviewed research literature; stories from on-the-ground activities demonstrating outcomes in that sector; priority outcomes, indicators and measures vetted by contributors; examples of existing evaluation and implementation tools and resources; and a flavor of cross-sectoral connection feasible through farm to school activities.

Hospitals and Healthy Food

Union of Concerned Scientists; Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future
Publication Type

 For decades, U.S. food and farm policy has been poorly aligned with public health objectives. But new opportunities, including an innovative federal program that provides incentives for low-income consumers to increase their purchases of fruits and vegetables, can now begin to address the problem. Hospitals and health insurers‚ long responsible only for treating diet-related illnesses, as opposed to preventing them‚ are part of the solution. By partnering with local organizations to devise and invest in healthy food systems, health care institutions can improve health and equity in their communities while reducing costs.

Statewide Food Policy Councils: Considerations for Minnesota Policymakers

University of Minnesota Extension
Publication Type

Documents roles, successes, and challenges of state food policy councils in helping comprehensively address food system objectives related to agriculture, health, economic development, and the environment.

Created by Sally Dover, Anne Dybsetter, Noelle Harden, Stephanie Heim, and Sheila Onzere

Building a Grassroots Driven Food Policy Network in Kentucky

Community Farm Alliance
Publication Type

This resource reports on the work of the Community Farm Alliance and its partners on a Community Food Projects grant focused on building capacity for grassroots' democratic participation in determining local food system needs and developing sustainable solutions in Kentucky. The project aimed to increase collaboration among food systems stakeholders, determine the best approach for collaboration through the Kentucky Food Policy Network, increase awareness of local food, farm and nutrition issues, and conduct an assessment of food policies and programs.  The project included four listening sessions, two network-wide meetings, over 200 surveys, and eight key stakeholder interviews.

Building the Case for Racial Equity in the Food System

Center for Social Inclusion
Publication Type

This report shares an analysis of what it means to build a racially equitable food system – from field to farm to fork – and lays out steps toward achieving that goal. It describes how policies impact racial equity in the food system; identifies potential policy solutions and strategic opportunities to create a more racially equitable food system; and offers tools and resources to guide the creation of racially equitable solutions.

Created by Anthony Giancatarino and Simran Noor

Collaboration Meets Opportunity: The Baltimore Food Policy Initiative

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
Publication Type

As cities across the nation seek to improve healthy food access, this participant observer case study highlights how one midsized city successfully developed a collaborative infrastructure to understand and address inequity in healthy food access. We trace the genesis and evolution of Baltimore's Food Policy Task Force, the hiring of a food policy director, and the establishment of the Baltimore Food Policy Initiative, which is an intergovernmental partnership to increase access to healthy, affordable foods in urban food deserts. While some cities have approached food access issues through community coalitions pressuring city government or government edicts, Baltimore successfully identified its need, used available research to drive and inform action, established priorities, and acted expeditiously with a focus on sustainability. This case study is relevant and applicable for those seeking to influence change in local food policy in midsized urban settings.

Raychel Santo
Raychel Yong

The Public Plate in New York City: A Guide to Institutional Meals

NYC Food Policy Center at Hunter College
Publication Type

This report seeks to provide policy makers and advocates with the information they need to make decisions that will further strengthen New York City's already robust institutional meals programs. With a new Mayor, a new City Council, and a growing food justice movement, NYC has the opportunity to create new models for using its public plate to improve health and nutrition, the economy, the environment and social justice.

The Local Food Movement: Setting the Stage for Good Food

Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems
Publication Type

This publication provides a brief history of the U.S. local food movement and its link to "good food" - food that is healthy, affordable, fair, and green - within the contexts of food access and health, food justice and sovereignty, the environment, and racial equity. It also contains a timeline that provides a sample of important U.S. events, policies, and statistics over the past 70 years that mark the growth of local food through the lens of the four elements of good food. 

Created by Rich Pirog, Crystal Miller, Lindsay Way, Christina Hazekamp, Emily Kim

A Call to Action to Preserve California Agricultural Land

California Roundtable on Agriculture and the Environment
Publication Type

This policy brief calls upon the Governor and the legislature to create a California Agricultural Land Preservation Policy and Strategy that encourages local and state governments to prioritize agricultural land protection, as well as providing resources and creating incentives for voluntary protection of agricultural land in collaboration with willing landowners.

Expanding Antibiotic Stewardship: The Role of Health Care in Eliminating Antibiotic Overuse in Animal Agriculture

Healthcare Without Harm
Publication Type

Just as steps are being taken to reduce overuse of antibiotics in human medicine, it is critical that steps be taken to eliminate overuse in agriculture. Hospitals are on the front lines of treating infections, and with sizable food service budgets, the health care sector is poised to tackle the antibiotic resistance crisis beyond the walls of clinical practice. Through its purchasing power and moral authority, the health care sector can change both markets and policies to protect antibiotics and prevent their overuse in animal agriculture.

New England Healthy Food in Health Care: Leading the Charge to a Healthy, Sustainable Food System

Healthcare Without Harm
Publication Type

This report outlines the activities that New England health care systems, hospitals, and clinicians are currently engaged in through the Healthy Food in Health Care Program. It is a sampling of the innovative work underway in these facilities and details the variety of ways HFHC hospitals are using their economic power to move the marketplace toward health and sustainability.

Created by Stacia Clinton, John Stoddard, and Kit Perkins

Farm Fresh Healthcare Project How-to Guide

Community Alliance with Family Farmers, Healthcare Without Harm
Publication Type

This guide presents insights from the Farm Fresh Healthcare Project in hopes of providing guidance for other farm-to-institution initiatives. It is written as lessons learned rather than as a set of direct instructions since all local purchasing initiatives are unique based on the region they are located in and on the partners involved.

Created by Kendra Klein